Subscribe to services
Share online
To subscribe to an online sharing service, go to the service
provider's website, and check that your Nokia device is
compatible with the service. Create an account as instructed
on the website. You receive a user name and password
needed to set up your device with the account.
1. To activate a service, open the Share online application in
your device, select a service and
2. Allow the device to create a network connection. If you
are prompted for an internet access point, select one from
the list.
3. Sign in to your account as instructed on the service
provider’s website.
© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Nokia's services in the online sharing service are free of
charge. Any data transferred over the network may incur
charges from your service provider. For the availability and
cost of the third party services and data transfer costs, contact
your service provider or the relevant third party.