Nokia E55 - View your location and the map

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View your location and the map

See your current location on the map, and browse maps of

different cities and countries.












When the GPS connection is active,

marks your current or

last known location on the map. If the icon's colours are faint,

no GPS signal is available.
If only cell ID based positioning is available, a red halo around

the positioning icon indicates the general area you might be

in. The accuracy of the estimate increases in densely

populated areas.
Move on the map — Use the scroll key. By default, the map

is oriented north.
View your current or last known location — Press 0.
Zoom in or out — Press the left or right shift keys, or the

shift key and the backspace key, depending on your device.
If you browse to an area not covered by maps that are stored

on your device and you have an active data connection, new

maps are automatically downloaded.
Map coverage varies by country and region.